The screenshot above to the right shows the tools bar in which allowed me to add a layer which creates a two tone effect on an image by the use of the adjustments tool and having the effect of Hue/Saturation and setting saturation to -100 it allows the image to going from black and white at the top of the screen to the coloured image at the bottom.
The screenshot on the above on the left shows that I used the paint brush with it in a different shade of grey to show that I was using this tool at the time. The tool allowed my to apply the use of the adjustment tool that I set and wrote about above.
This screenshot of the image below is another way in which I used the tools above but especially on the the brush tool, which allowed my to just cover the boots. I did this by changing the brush size and by doing this it allowed my to display colour to the edge of the boots, without going outside the boot where it could colour in other objects in the image that I want to keep black and white. The screenshot above shows the brush size tool that I used to give me a finished image.
The screenshots below show the use of a photo filter with the colour yellow. This allows to show the image in a different light, in this case it enlightens the image, this subtle change allows the image to stand out means its a good tool to sell a product through a visual image that a customer can not touch.
The images below shows the process of cropping an image to make an individual stand out. I do this by the use of the tool bar down the right hand side of the page. Then adjust the image to the size that I want to create an new image.
Photoshop Techniques & Ideas
Colour Isolation
Download the image of fruit
Right click open with Photoshop
Go to - Layer
new layer adjustment
hue & saturation
Go to - Adjustments
Saturation & type in -100
pick up the paint brush (black must be in the foreground
begin painting the area you wish the colour to show through
My main effect was to turn my images in to black and white. I did this by changing the saturation from 0 to -100 as you can see above in the screenshot to the left. On photoshop this is shown in the adjustments session of tools section. I did this because I feel that it gives the images a more dramatic effect. However I did use the paint brush, as you can see on the screenshot above to the right where it allowed me to bring back colour to where I want to put it by painting it in. By doing this it could allow me to enhance the colour of the rugby boot or allow me to make it stand out if the background was black and white but I left the boots in colour. If I did this is will make it easy to establish what I am selling in the magazine.
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